Another busy week. Franklin Flood meeting, Invasive Weed meeting, Planning for new legislatures meeting, and met with two legislative hopefuls to discuss issues important to Greenlee County. I am working and fighting for you and Greenlee County
At the Western Interstate Region conference, which is comprised of the 17 Western States, we discussed what the Eastern Counties Organization of Arizona had been doing with the Four Forest Restoration Initiative, including some of our accomplishments and some of our failures. Many states were very interested because we had accomplishments that they were not able to get done. We contribute that to commitment from the counties, and from industry.
I met with the commissioners of the Arizona Game and Fish. I explain to them what the Eastern Counties Association was doing to improve wildlife habitat through the Four Forest Restoration Initiative. I also spoke to them about game retrieval on the Apache Sitgreaves Forest.
I attended the County Supervisor Association's Legislative Summit. We set our agenda for the next legislative session. I am fighting for and defending the issues important to Greenlee County.
Thanks to the many volunteers and their hard work, we completed another season of the Greenlee Junior Rodeo Series. I want to thank the families who supported their children and made the junior rodeo a success. This is another reason why I love Greenlee County. Thank you so much for this beautiful jacket.