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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Western Interstate Region Conference

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I attended the Western Interstate Region Conference this week and met with 17 other representatives of the western states. We addressed many land use issues and also healthcare issues. When the 17 western states speak together as one voice, we have a greater chance of our voice being heard in Washington. I especially appreciated a quote given about attitude. So much of our outlook in life does depend on our attitude.
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Sunday, May 20, 2018

County Supervisor Association, Arizona Department of Transportation, Budget

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There is a lot to report this week. I had a County Supervisor Association briefing meeting with all the County Supervisors, on how the state budget affected the counties. I had the opportunity to meet with the ADOT State Board of Transportation. I spoke to them about signage and safety in our county for cyclists. I also had the opportunity to talk to Representative Drew John on what happened at the legislature this session, and what we can possibly work on next year. Representative Drew John stood up for us in the state budget process, and came through for the county by securing funds for us.
Image may contain: one or more peopleImage may contain: 1 person

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Arizona G and T Cooperative's Distinguished Service Award

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I was honored to be nominated by The Duncan Valley Electric Cooperative for the Arizona G & T Cooperative's Distinguished Service Award in recognition of outstanding contributions to the people of rural Arizona.
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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Eastern Counties Organization

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Today the six counties who makeup the Eastern Counties Organization met to review our accomplishments of the last year. We set goals for what needs to be done this coming year and strategized on how we would be able to meet those goals. These six counties work together so that we can have a bigger voice at the state level and meet the needs of our rural counties.