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Friday, February 26, 2016

Kiss a what??

"Service is never convenient!"
If you don't believe me, try kissing a pig!


"Richard Lunt was the winner in a collection contest, and so he had to kiss a pig.  There were three jars and one had Richard Lunt's name on it.  The idea was to see which of the three jars could collect the most money.  Richard's jar held some $40, the most, so he won the honor of "kissing the pig."  Richard was a member of the Duncan Valley Electric Coop team and is a director of the cooperative.  A bystander said, "I'd hate to be that popular!"  This was just one of the many activities at the first ever Dude's Day and 4-H Barbecue held at the fairgrounds north of Duncan on Memorial Day afternoon.  - Copper Era 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Why Boy Scouts of America?

I have been a scoutmaster for 26 years.  Why would I spend 26 years of my time working with 12 to 18 years old boys?  Because they are our future!  Boy Scouts of America offers a program to make boys into men.  I have watched so many of them grow into the good men of our community.  Some of my most treasured memories are times spent with them.
Eagle Projects are an important part of scouting.  This was a neglected store front on Duncan's Main Street.  This photograph was actually taken after it was worked on for a day.  
Here I am helping to paint it.  I have spent many hours working on Eagle Projects.  This just happens to be one of the most visible in our community.
This is the finished product.  The Eagle Scout just happens to be my son, Tony.  He was so proud of the improvements made to this building.  He planned and carried out this project with the help of many other scouts and some of the amazing men and women of our community.